BJP's national spokesperson, Sambit Patra, countered Gandhi's allegations, stating that the current struggle is not an ideological battle but rather a fight for the country's development and progress against dynastic politics and corruption. Patra accused Gandhi of misleading the country with his remarks about the BJP and RSS, perpetuating this narrative even now.
Patra further criticized Gandhi for suggesting that the RSS aims to control all institutions in the country and deploy its members there. He called for both the judiciary and the Election Commission to take notice of these allegations and take appropriate action. Patra expressed surprise at Gandhi's statements regarding the Election Commission, highlighting the need for an unbiased approach to such matters.
Additionally, Patra condemned Gandhi's remarks on the Manipur violence, claiming that they appear to be politically motivated rather than aimed at finding a solution to the issue. He pointed to Home Minister Amit Shah's call for discussion on the matter in Parliament, emphasizing the BJP's willingness to engage in a constructive dialogue.
Addressing the opposition's efforts to form the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA), Patra dismissed the name change as insignificant, stating that it would not absolve the Congress and its allies of their past actions and scandals. He reminded the public of past corruption scandals and highlighted that the people of the country recognize Prime Minister Narendra Modi's commitment to India's progress, reaffirming their support for him in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha polls.
As of now, a coalition of twenty-six opposition parties has formed the INDIA alliance to challenge the BJP-led coalition in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.